Salvador Aragón
Salvador Aragon is Professor of Information Systems at IE Business School. In his own words: “I am currently researching the role of information technologies in the business organization, their relevance as an engine for innovation and transformation, and how they are managed”. He is also interested in the development of new markets and services in digital convergence, studying, for example, how mobiles and interactive television are moving toward each others’ territory, permitting young people to arrange to meet through teletext messages. Furthermore, Professor Aragón has researched the theoretical concept of digital convergence. From a more practical perspective, he has also studied the management of information systems in Spanish rms, and, in collaboration with MIT, the definition of new services on mobile platforms.
The common denominator of all these issues is the relation between technology and innovation in transforming markets, business organizations and their people. His role as Chief Innovation Officer at IE is indeed closely linked to these interests.
As part of his research activities, Professor Aragon has collaborated with ENTER, IE’s Center for Telecommunications and the Information Society, focusing his analysis on the evolution of digital convergence and mainly on evaluating the impact of disruptive technologies.
Prior to this, in the Information Management Research Centre (IMRC), an IE initiative carried out jointly with Accenture, he was studying the management of information systems, specifically in the area that has come to be called IT governance. He has also focused his interest in trends on the use and management of CRM in the Spanish rm.
Professor Aragón combines this activity with research projects and reports on supply and demand of qualified employment in Spain which, since 1998 he has published in Infoempleo.com. “This work enables me to analyze how the job market shows the technological and organizational changes taking place in businesses”.
He participates on a regular basis in major congresses in his sector and collaborates with Spanish media agents. He is a member of the editing board of Infoempleo.com (from the Vocento’s group) and of the journal Estrategia Global, and has authored numerous research projects. “In 2003 I published Yacimientos de Empleo: Horizonte 2006, which featured forecasts that largely came true. And I have collaborated with books that include Experiencia del usuario (Anaya), Nuevas Fronteras del Empleo, and Intermediación laboral online (Aedipe-Prentice Hall); He is the author of Mujer y Empleo: Acciones y decisions (Circulo de Progreso).
Salvador holds a PhD in Information Sciences and an MBA from IE University, and he has a degree in industrial engineering from Universidad de Navarra. He also undertakes consulting projects and advises rms on information systems and new technologies.